Peer Review at JSST | > REVIEWERS > Peer Review at JSST

Double-blinded peer review
The journal conducts an anonymous reviewing process. The reason for this is to keep the identities of authors and reviews from being revealed to one another. The journal editors will all evaluate contributions for suitability for the journal. If work is deemed suitable, it is sent to at least two independent, expert reviewers, who will evaluate the scientific quality of the work. The editor has the power to make the final decision regarding Acceptance or Rejection of articles. The editor's decision is final. More information can be found on our journal website. To facilitate this, separately include: Title page (with author details): This should include the complete address of the corresponding author, including title, author's name, affiliation (if relevant), acknowledgment and statement of interest (question only applies where there are multiple authors and if there are any aspects of conflicting interests and/or opinions), and e-mail. Blinded manuscript (no author details): The body of the manuscript (including references, figures, tables, and acknowledgments) should not contain any identifying information such as the author's name or affiliation.
How to write a review comment
After entering the electronic submission system, download the PDF file and attachments. Comments on style and form are unnecessary; just focus on the scientific soundness and logical interpretation of the results.
* Comments to authors: The entire content of the manuscript should be summarized in one sentence. Write specific comments in the order of each section of the manuscript. In the comment section, please note any page number referred to. Comments should not include reviewer’s recommendations on Acceptance. Consider whether peer-reviewed comments could improve the quality of the manuscript or the author's further research.
* Comments to the editor: Generally, you should add some details about both your manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses. This is also where you add the reviewer’s recommendation on Acceptance, as well as any special comments to the editor.