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Table of Contents
1. Website
The journal’s official website URL is JSST has endeavored to comply with ethical and professional standards. JSST publishes, in both Korean and English, empirical and theoretical research articles, reviews, case studies, and other studies on child psychotherapy, which includes sandplay therapy and related theories (analytical psychology, interpretation of symbols, folklore studies, religious studies, human development studies, etc.) as well as play therapy.
We welcome manuscripts from researchers and therapists who work with clients using sandplay or administer sandplay in an integrated way with different approaches in various settings. From time to time, the journal publishes special issues on topics that warrant a distinct focus related to its stated purpose and scope of publication. We also invite constructive papers from world-renowned and helpfulexperts.
- eISSN: 2288-5188 / pISSN: 2234-0556
2. Name of Journal
The official name of the journal is Journal of Symbols and Sandplay Therapy, and its ISO abbreviation is JSST.
3. Peer Review Process
JSST has an online submission and peer review system.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review. They are first reviewed for compliance with the journal's purpose and scope. If the manuscript does not fit the purpose and scope of the journal or does not comply with the author guidelines, it may be returned immediately to the author upon receipt without review. A similarity report must be submitted prior to the manuscript submission.
The journal uses a double-blind peer-review process. Reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and vice versa. Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two external experts and a member of the Editorial Board. The average time period from submission to publication decision is eight weeks. The Chief Editor is responsible for the final decision on whether to accept or reject a manuscript.
4. Ownership and Management
This journal is owned by its publisher: Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy (
4-1. Management team of a journal
- - Journal Management team(2022~2024)
- - Journal Manager: Sanghee Lee, Dongguk University, Korea
- - Manager of the Review Process: Yeoreum Lee, Namseoul University, Korea
- - Ethics Editor: Jeaeun Jung, Dongyang University, Korea
- - Layout Editor: Chaejin Kim, Chaekgwagonggan, Korea
- - Website and JATS XML File Producer: Yunsang Jo, M2-PI, Korea
- - Administrative Manager: Jeongeun Choi, Soonwon Hwang, Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy, Korea
5. Governing Body
The governing body of the journal is the Editorial Board.
6. Editorial Team and Contact Information
The About (Editorial Board) tab of the journal's official website contains the names and affiliations of the journal's editors and members of the journal management team. The tab also contains the contact information of the chief editor and the editorial office under Contact Us.
Address: 417, Cheonggu Blueville, 224 Hwangsaeyul-ro, Sunae-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of KoreaTel: +82-31-715-2226
7. Copyright and Licensing
Copyrights of all published articles belong to the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy. All authors must agree to transfer their copyrights during the submission process.
JSST is an open access journal. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. To use the tables or figures of JSST in other journals, books or media for scholarly, educational purposes, the process of permission request to the publisher of JSST is not necessary. All contents of the journal are available immediately upon publication without embargo period.
8. Author Fees
JSST uses the Open Access publishing model in which all published articles are freely available to readers directly from the Jounal’s website. This publishing model, however, is based on author fees. The submissions of a manuscript and peer-review process are 70,000 KRW. The processing fee applies only to manuscripts accepted for publication.
If publication is approved or publication is possible after revision, the author must deposit a publication fee of 400,000 KRW based on 15 pages of A4. For manuscripts with additional pages, a publication fee of 20,000 KRW for the Korean version and 30,000 KRW for the English version will be added per page.
9. Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct
The JSST Editorial Board reviews with deliberation all submitted manuscripts for compliance with the ethical guidelines of ICMJE and COPE. Published articles include conflict-of-interest statement, institutional review board approval, statement of informed consent, and statement of human and animal rights.
In cases of suspected research and publication misconduct, such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, data manipulation, authorships change, undisclosed conflicts of interest, and ethical issues found in submitted manuscripts; reviewers who steal the ideas or materials from authors; complaints against editors; and other problems, JSST follows the resolution procedures provided by COPE ( JSST's Editorial Board will discuss and decide suspected cases and, when necessary, will not hesitate to publish an errata, corrigenda, clarifications, retractions, and apologies.
10. Publication Ethics
JSST adheres to the guidelines for best practices ( as well as the ethical guidelines for research and publication stipulated in the publication ethics policy.
Our publication ethics can be found under the POLICY (Ethical Policy) tab of the journal website.
11. Publishing Schedule
The Journal shall be published in Korean and English every year on April 30, August 31, and December 31.
12. Access
JSST is an open access journal. Free professional services in XML and PDF formats are available on the journal website ( or the KSST website ( immediately upon publication.
13. Archiving
Full texts of JSST are stored at the National Library of Korea ( Authors may archive the publisher's version/PDF. When journals are no longer published, they will be archived at the National Library of Korea to provide electronic backup and preserve access to relevant contents.
14. Revenues Sources
The journal's revenue sources come from advertising and sponsorships from the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy.
15. Advertising
JSST allows advertising. Advertising policy can be found under the POLICY (Advertising Policies) tab of the journal website. Rates for banner advertising on the website is negotiable, depending on the display duration.
16. Direct Marketing
Journal propagation is done through the journal website and the distribution of introductory pamphlets. Manuscript solicitation is generally focused on presenters at conferences, seminars, or workshops, if the topic is relevant to the journal's purpose and scope.