Regulations for Editorial Board | > POLICY > Regulations for Editorial Board |

Article 1 (Purpose)
- ① The purpose of the Regulations is to stipulate specific details regarding the composition and duties of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy. <Amended Sept. 7, 2022>
- ② Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy of the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy (KSST) supports academic activities to promote theoretical knowledge and practice in the field of psychotherapy and counseling, including Sandplay Therapy so as to encourage academic and research activities among practitioners and scholars. By strengthening the theoretical basis of this field and enhancing related practices, the Journal contributes to the establishment of a sustainable environment. <Newly inserted Aug. 16, 2022, Sept. 7. 2022>
Article 2 (Composition and term)
- ① The Editorial Board shall be composed of no more than 20 members, including the Chief Editor. <Amended Jan. 12, 2023>
- ② The Chief Editor of the Editorial Board shall be appointed by the President of KSST. Members of the Editorial Board shall be appointed by the Chief Editor in consideration of their academic fields and research achievements, and shall obtain the approval of the President.
- ③ The term of office of the Editorial Board members is two years. Members are eligible for reappointment.
Article 3 (Duties)
① The Editorial Board shall deliberate and vote on the following matters:
- a. Matters related to the regulations for the Journal and other publications, such as regulations for manuscript submission and publication, manuscript review, and Editorial Board.
- b. Matters concerning the publication of the Journal.
- c. Matters related to other publications of KSST.
- d. Matters concerning research (publication)-related complaints.
- ② The Chief Editor shall be responsible for the seamless operation of the Editorial Board.
<Newly inserted Apr. 24, 2021>
Article 4 (Convening)
① An Editorial Board meeting may be convened at the request of the Chief Editor and other members, and may be substituted by writing or e-mail if necessary.
- ② The Chief Editor may convene an ad hoc committee as needed.
<Newly inserted Aug. 16, 2022>
Article 5 (Document management)
① Minutes of the Editorial Board meetings must be recorded and kept for three years from the date of creation.
- ② Documents related to the appointment of reviewers by the Editorial Board and review results shall be kept for two years.
<Newly inserted Aug. 16, 2022>
Article 6 (Selection of reviewers and order of manuscript publication)
The selection of reviewers and the order of manuscript publication of papers shall be determined by the Editorial Board. >Newly inserted Aug. 16, 2022<
Article 7 (Manuscript editing form)
① The editing form for manuscripts consists of general information and editing details, and the specific details shall be in accordance with the manuscript editing form. <Newly inserted Aug. 16, 2022>
- ② In principle, the length of an article should not exceed 30 pages in total after editing.
Article 8 (Handling of other matters)
Matters not specified in the Regulations shall be handled by the Chief Editor of the Editorial Board in accordance with customary practices and reported to the Committee.
This regulation is effective from September 1, 2009.
This amendment is effective from April 24, 2021.
This amendment is effective from September 1, 2022.
This amendment is effective from September 7, 2022.
This amendment is effective from January 12, 2023.