Regulations for Manuscript Review | > POLICY > Regulations for Manuscript Review |

Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of the Regulations is to stipulate matters related to the review of manuscript submitted to the Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy. <Amended Sept. 7, 2022>
Article 2 (Request for review)
According to the area of the submitted manuscript, the Editorial Board shall appoint two reviewers per manuscript.
Article 3 (Review criteria)
Each reviewer shall review the submitted manuscripts with reference to the following criteria:
* Clarity of the research problem and topic
* Ethicality and originality of the research
* Accuracy and fidelity of relevant literature and data analysis
* Validity of research methods and adequacy of logical development
* The level of potential contribution to the academia and practice.
Article 4 (Decision on Review Results)
The publication decision of the reviewed manuscripts shall be implemented as follows:
A. The review results shall be categorized as "Accept," "Minor revision," "Major revision," and "Reject," and the Editorial Board shall inform the submitter of the review results.
- 1. Accept: One or more reviewers have decided to "Accept" the manuscript and no revision is required.
- 2. Minor revision: One or more reviewers have decided that "Minor revision" is necessary.
- 3. Reject: One or more reviewers have decided to "Reject" the manuscript.
B. The decision on whether to publish a manuscript is made based on the following review results: <Newly inserted Apr. 18, 2023>
Reviewer 1 |
Reviewer 2 |
Result |
Accept |
Accept |
Accept |
Accept |
Minor revision |
Minor revision |
Accept |
Major revision |
Major revision |
Accept |
Reject |
Reject |
Minor revision |
Minor revision |
Minor revision |
Minor revision |
Major revision |
Major revision |
Minor revision |
Reject |
Reject |
Major revision |
Major revision |
Major revision |
Major revision |
Reject |
Reject |
Reject |
Reject |
Reject |
C. If a reviewer decides to Reject a manuscript, he/she must specify the specific reason. If two reviewers decide to Reject the manuscript, it cannot be published.
D. Even after being Accepted, if a manuscript is determined to be in violation of ethical regulations or is deemed to be unAcceptable for publication for reasons of plagiarism, redundant (duplicate) publication, conflict of interest, gender bias, or other reasons related to co-authors who have a special relationship with the researcher, the Editorial Board will treat it as "Reject" regardless of the review result. <Wording added Apr. 24, 2021>
E. The submitter may appeal in the case of "Reject" or "Major revision," and the case may be redeliberated through an Editorial Board meeting. <Newly inserted Apr. 24, 2021>
F. If the submitter does not revise the manuscript in the case of “Minor revision” or “Major revision” without justifiable reasons, the Editorial Board may decide not to publish the manuscript.
Article 5 (Appeal)
<Newly inserted Apr. 24, 2021>
A. Only one appeal is permitted for each manuscript, within 5 days of receiving the review result. The appeals shall be handled by the Editorial Board.
B. The Chief Editor of the Editorial Board shall convene a meeting—consisting of at least two board members in the relevant field, the Chief Editor, and a new reviewer—within 10 days of receiving the appeal, conduct a closed-door reexamination of the manuscript in question, and notify the submitter of the result. The meeting convened due to an appeal shall exclude persons relevant to the manuscript, such as the submitter and its reviewers. <Amended Apr. 18, 2023>
C. The Editorial Board shall comprehensively review the initial review result and the appeal, and decide whether to publish the manuscript with the consent of a majority of the convened Editorial Board.
D. If the redeliberation through an appeal decides that the manuscript in question can be published either as it is or after some revision, the publication issue shall be determined according to the date of appeal results notification.
E. If there 7 days or more left from the date of results notification and before the publication date of the issue, the manuscript in question can be published in that very issue. If there are 6 days or less left, the manuscript in question will be carried over to the next issue.
Article 6 (Review fee)
A prescribed review fee shall be paid to the manuscript reviewers. If a separate review fee is incurred due to a "Major revision" decision, the submitter shall bear the additional cost.
Article 7 (Other matters)
Matters not specified in these regulations shall be handled by the Chief Editor in accordance with customary practices and reported to the Editorial Board.
This regulation is effective from September 1, 2010.
This amendment is effective from April 24, 2021.
This amendment is effective from September 7, 2022.
This amendment is effective from April 18, 2023.