Auto-ethnography of Self-growth Stories for the Individuation of School Counselors (Professional Teacher-counselors and Professional counselors) Who Are Suffering from ‘Between’ - Based on Insight in Sandplay Therapy and Dream analysis -
1Baegot Elementaty School 2Segyeong High School 3Anyang Duk Hyun Elementary School 4Seongbok High School 5Hyeonhwa High School 6Anyang Elementary School 7Goyang Office of Education Wee Center 8Seoul Youngseo Elementary School 9Ansong High School 10Oma Middle School 11Kwangnam Middle School 12Corresponding Author: Departiment of Child Welfare, Namseouniversity
‘사이’에서 고민하는 학교상담자(전문상담교사와 전문상담사)의 개성화를 위한 자기성장 스토리에 대한 자문화기술지 - 모래놀이치료와 꿈분석 집단에서의 성찰을 중심으로 -
Received: October 3, 2021 Revised: November 27, 2021 Accepted: December 23, 2021
This article aims to provide auto-ethnography for self-growth and individuation through the experience of applying sandplay therapy to school counseling of 11 professional teacher-counselors and professional school counselors, changes in the counseling effect, and the counselors’ own sandplay therapy and dream symbol analysis. The auto-ethnographical research has mainly been about the experiences of one or two researcher(s)-participant(s), but in this study, 11 researchers-participants participated in the study to express and inform their common experiences in school counseling. The researcher-participants have experience of school counseling from 2 years and 5 months to 11 years and 5 months, and they are all female counselors. Research data include dreams and dream associations, sandpictures and association about sandplay pictures, related life events and experiences, contemplation, recollection, insights, observations of researchers/research participants, sharings by group SNS, individual interviews have been used. The four common themes are found: 1. dreaming of becoming school teacher-counselor/school counselor, 2. frustration: self-blame and resentment, 3. searching for breakthrough: finding identity, 4. accepting incompleteness, which is still in progress. Among them, searching for breakthrough: finding identity has two sub-themes: sandplay and dream: encounter with the inner world and wrestling with regrets for children.