1Professor, Department of Child Welfare at Namseoul University (Child Counseling & Psychotherapy) at Graduate School of Namseoul University 2Doctorate candidate of child counseling and psychotherapy, Department of Child Welfare Studies, Namseoul University
놀이의 신성성과 치유 목적성
장미경1, 이여름2
1남서울대학교 아동복지학과 및 동대학원 아동상담심리치료 전공 교수 2남서울대학교 아동복지학과 아동상담심리치료 전공 박사수료
Received: September 29, 2020 Revised: November 30, 2020 Accepted: December 22, 2020
In this article, the numinosity of play in terms of the origin or unique essentiality of play was discussed based on analytical psychology, rather than the evolutionary necessity of it in terms of only biological instinct or innate nature or furthermore, something educated after birth. Attempts to explain play in this aspect lead to the reason why play is healing and play has a powerful relationship with healing in psychotherapy to achieve treatment through play. The still point experience and transference-countertransference and the relationship between the therapist and client which occurs in common, was also discussed with intersubjectivity, that are concepts related the numinosity of play. In conclusion, The essentiality of play which has an archetypal origin, is numinous and divine and has the ultimate teleology of integration and healing of personality, that is individuation. The constellation of archetypal energies by an individual is perceived by other people in close relationships due to the working principle of archetype and all mankind universally shares it and it, in turn, constellate archetypal energy to the other. This, of course, happens in therapeutic relationships, and finally it brings healing to both of the client and therapist who are being involved in archetypal play.