A Study on Research Trends in Sandplay Therapy in Korea (2009-2018) |
Soonja Ahn1, Yeoreum Lee2, Sehwa Lee3, Mikyung Jang4 |
1Main author, Ph.D. candidate in Child Counseling and Psychotherapy, Department of Child Welfare, The Graduate School of Namseoul University 2Ph.D. candidate in Child Counseling and Psychotherapy, The Graduate School of Namseoul University 3Ph.D. candidate in Child Counseling and Psychotherapy, The Graduate School of Namseoul University 4Professor, Department of Child Welfare at Namseoul University |
국내 모래놀이치료 연구동향(2009-2018) |
안순자1, 이여름2, 이세화3, 장미경4 |
1주저자, 남서울대학교 아동복지학과 대학원 박사과정 수료 2교신저자, 남서울대학교 아동복지학과 대학원 박사과정 수료 3공동저자, 남서울대학교 아동복지학과 대학원 박사과정 수료 4공동저자, 남서울대학교 아동복지학과 교수 |
Received: March 30, 2020 Revised: May 22, 2020 Accepted: June 9, 2020 |
Abstract |
The aim of this study was to investigate research trends in sandplay therapy in South Korea. Thus we analyzed 205 Korean research papers published between 2009 and 2018. We grouped our results into five categories using the research trend analysis method. Those categories were research topic, subject, method, and characteristics of sandplay therapy. The results reveal the current status and limitations of sandplay research. These also suggest future research directions for sandplay therapists and researchers. |
sandplay therapy, research trends, research methods, research results |