Received: October 28, 2016 Revised: November 28, 2016 Accepted: December 1, 2016
This study performed a sandplay therapy targeting Korean-Chinese children who have ever experienced the separation with their parents to analyze its effect. 6 sessions of sandplay therapy program were conducted to 8 children residing in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture who have experienced the separation with their parents for more than one year. To verify the effectiveness, Parent-child communication scale was conducted before and after the sandplay therapy to experimental group and waiting group, each one session of parent-child inter communication was conducted before and after the program respectively for qualitative analysis, and the individual interview was conducted to parents and children after total program. As a result of this study, the communication between children who have experienced the separation with their parents and Korean-Chinese parents has been improved meaningfully, as a result of qualitative analysis, the program has brought the change in the expression and improvement awareness of children’s communication. In conclusion, the sandplay therapy has brought the improvement of communication between children and parents.