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J Sym & San Therapy > Volume 14(1); 2023 > Article
Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy 2023;14(1): 73-136.
doi: https://doi.org/10.12964/jsst.23003
The Effects of Sandplay Therapy on the Degree of Overdependence, Impulsiveness, and Interpersonal Problems of Smartphone Overdependent College Students
Yun Jo1, Sungmin Park2
1Ph.D. Candidate of child counseling and psychotherapy, Department of Child Welfare Studies, Namseoul University
2Doctoral Course Student of child counseling and psychotherapy, Department of Child Welfare Studies, Namseoul University
모래놀이치료가 스마트폰 과의존 대학생의 과의존 수준과 대인관계문제 및 충동성에 미치는 효과
조 윤1, 박성민2
1남서울대학교대학원 아동복지학과(아동상담․심리치료전공) 박사수료
2남서울대학교대학원 아동복지학과(아동상담․심리치료전공) 박사과정
Correspondence :  Sungmin Park ,Email: childlove123@naver.com
Received: January 31, 2023  Revised: March 16, 2023   Accepted: April 22, 2023
This study investigated the effects of Sandplay therapy on smartphone overdependence, impulsiveness, and interpersonal problems in college students. A survey was conducted on 359 four-year college students, and 10 smartphone overdependent students were selected for both the experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 10 sessions of Sandplay therapy. Results showed that Sandplay therapy reduced the degree of overdependence, impulsiveness, and interpersonal problems in smartphone overdependent college students. Qualitative analysis identified common themes such as “being left alone,” “a side of myself I want to hide,” and “struggling to escape.” This study highlights the potential of Sandplay therapy as a treatment program for smartphone overdependence in college students. Limitations and future research directions are discussed.
KeyWords: Sandplay therapy, the degree of overdependence, impulsiveness, inventory of interpersonal problem, smartphone overdependent college students
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