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J Sym & San Therapy > Volume 12(1); 2021 > Article
Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy 2021;12(1): 175-206.
doi: https://doi.org/10.12964/jsst.21005
An Arts-based research on group sandplay therapy for children in local children's centers who are overly dependent on internet and smartphones experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic era
Sung Min Park1, Yun Jo2, Hyun Kyoung Jung3
1Main author, Sandplay therapist of Hugmom Psychological Counseling Center
2Corresponding author, Ph.D. student, Child Welfare Department at Graduate School of Namseoul University
3Co-author, Ph.D. student, Child Welfare Department at Graduate School of Namseoul University
COVID-19 팬데믹 시대를 경험하는 인터넷, 스마트폰 과의존 지역아동센터 아동의 집단모래놀이치료에 대한 예술기반 연구
박성민1, 조윤2, 정현경3
1주저자, 허그맘 허그인 평택점 상담사
2교신저자, 남서울대학교 아동복지학과 대학원 박사과정
3공동저자, 남서울대학교 아동복지학과 대학원 박사과정
Correspondence :  Yun Jo ,Email: 77734306@hanmail.net
Received: March 31, 2021  Revised: May 31, 2021   Accepted: July 1, 2021
The purpose of this study is to find a clue of psychological intervention in group sandplay therapy for children in local children's centers who are overly dependent on internet and smartphones experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic era. Art is a process of expressing imagination, and it is in line with the fact that play is a symbolic and creative activity. Therefore, it can be said that children's imaginary play scenes and imaginary stories appearing in sandplay therapy are a form of art. Sandplay enables non-verbal expression, and the unconscious contents expressed by children are useful in understanding children's emotions. In this process, the researcher understands the client through imagination which is the intersubjective method and experiences an accepting relationship where healing and change occur. However, previous studies have limitations in that they approached children's dependence on the Internet and smartphones based on language. Therefore, these researchers conducted an arts-based study from an analytical psychology perspective to understand the experiences of children in local children's centers who are overly dependent on the Internet and smartphones through the group sandplay therapy process. To this end, co-researchers attending the doctoral program in child counseling and psychotherapy have categorized and discussed four themes: ‘wanting to be loved’, ‘suffering from anxiety’, ‘tolerating being alone/not communicating’, ‘trying to protect oneself’. Finally, it was intended to alleviate the psychological difficulties of children in local children's centers who are overly dependent on internet and smartphones, and to provide an open method for resolving the Internet and smartphone dependence phenomenon.
KeyWords: COVID-19 pandemic era, group sandplay therapy, overly dependent on internet and smartphones, Arts-based research
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